Around London in 80 days
In these uncertain times, I need a lifeline and a horizon so I have — somewhat arbitrarily I’ll admit — set a date. April 1st will be my horizon ; my lifeline will be the 80 days separating me from it.
And as I cannot go around the world right now, I give you A Mad Belgian’s “Around London in 80 Days” : eighty impressions of London, eighty stories, places, thoughts from my experience of this wonderfully mad and maddening city.
Day 60: Middle Temple
I’m walking through the quiet streets of Temple, a few steps away from the City of London. I walk past the church and through the arches, next to the tall statue of the tiny Knight Templar.
It feels old and different, it’s quiet and magnificent. I stop for a moment to enjoy the peace, then I continue to the garden. On the way, though, I stop at the sight of a sign advertising a delightful lunch at Middle Temple Hall.
So I walk to the Hall but I’m stopped at the door:
“Sorry, miss. Have you booked? are you a member?”.
“I’m afraid not”, I answer sheepishly.
“Mmmm… Okay, well I’ll let you in this time, but make sure you book in the future!”
I gratefully say yes, yes, of course, I promise, thank you very much and I walk in the mysterious building.
The view is stunning: wood pannelling on the walls, large windows and a majestic hammerbeam roof. On the floor, very long tables and a large buffet displaying gastronomic marvels. Slightly intimidated, I pick up a plate.
Temple Church Middle Temple Hall
Beautifully described!